Cornerstones Intensive Supported Living Programs are designed to care for youth and adults who require more intensive services in a safe, caring and an individualized homes.
Goals and planning for the individuals in our programs are determined through Person Centered Planning, as well as collaboration with all stakeholders.
Our programs are designed to establish placement stability while building capacity to move towards living in a less intrusive adult living environment
The clients living in our Intensive Supported Living Programs have been typically described as “hard to serve”, "complex" and "challenging”. They often have a variety of emotional and mental health problems that have been unsuccessfully accommodated in more traditional residential placements. Residents have likely had a history of multiple failed placements and require one-on-one care to manage behaviour and daily routines.
Our Intensive Supported Living Programs have a high success rate of placement stability by establishing competency in skills, congruent with the individual’s developmental and functional abilities. This approach allows the individual to achieve success, as well as learn and master functional skills which results in forming positive relationships and higher levels of compliance and socially adaptive behaviour.
Our staff are professional, trained and skilled at ensuring that the individuals who reside in our homes meet primary goals that prevent the cycle of placement breakdown that they have experienced in the past.
We strive to provide Safety for clients, staff and the community at large. We guide and support our clients to prevent involvement in the criminal justice system.
We aim to provide our clients with positive experiences to establish roots in their community as a function of stability and a feeling of belonging.